What we offer

WP is a Technical Advisor who is able to provide the complete spectrum of services required and who has demonstrated competence in many successful projects. Key to delivering the required services is the technical advisory team and the methodology. In order to best address the key challenges, we have best experts, all of whom possess world-leading knowledge and experience in RES projects including many who have been involved in acquisition and bank finance due diligence.  

Comprehensive Project Development Services for Renewable Energy Projects


Comprehensive project development services are essential for the successful planning and preparation of renewable energy projects, including wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) systems. These services ensure that projects are meticulously planned, compliant with regulations, and well-positioned for subsequent stages of development. This guide outlines the key components and benefits of project development services before obtaining construction permits for renewable energy projects.

Key Components of Project Development Services

  1. Project Management

    • Coordination and Oversight: Providing dedicated project management to oversee all aspects of the development process. This includes coordinating with stakeholders, managing timelines, and ensuring that milestones are met.
    • Resource Allocation: Ensuring optimal allocation of resources, including personnel, equipment, and budget, to meet project goals efficiently.
    • Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies to address challenges proactively.
  2. Obtaining Approvals and Permits

    • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating through local, regional, and national regulatory requirements to secure all necessary permits and approvals. This includes understanding and complying with zoning laws, land use regulations, and environmental standards.
    • Permit Applications: Preparing and submitting comprehensive permit applications, including supporting documentation and technical reports, to relevant authorities.
    • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with regulatory bodies, local communities, and other stakeholders to facilitate a smooth permitting process and address any concerns.
  3. Environmental Analysis

    • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs): Conducting detailed EIAs to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the project. This includes assessments of wildlife, vegetation, water resources, and local ecosystems.
    • Mitigation Planning: Developing strategies to mitigate any adverse environmental impacts identified during the assessment. This includes proposing measures to protect and preserve the natural environment.
    • Compliance Monitoring: Ensuring ongoing compliance with environmental regulations and standards throughout the project development phase.
  4. Concept and Layout

    • Site Assessment: Conducting thorough site assessments to determine the optimal location and layout for the renewable energy project. This includes analyzing factors such as topography, soil conditions, and proximity to grid connections.
    • Conceptual Design: Creating initial design concepts and layouts that maximize energy production while minimizing environmental impact and project costs.
    • Feasibility Studies: Performing feasibility studies to evaluate the technical and financial viability of different layout options.
  5. Pre-Designing

    • Technical Specifications: Developing preliminary technical specifications for the project, including selecting appropriate technologies and equipment.
    • Preliminary Engineering: Conducting preliminary engineering work to outline the basic design and engineering requirements for the project. This includes initial calculations, drawings, and design schematics.
    • Cost Estimation: Estimating preliminary costs for construction, operation, and maintenance to inform budgeting and financial planning.
  6. Wind Measurement Campaign Planning and Execution

    • Measurement Equipment Selection: Choosing appropriate equipment for measuring wind speed and direction, such as meteorological masts, LiDAR, or SoDAR systems.
    • Site Selection for Measurement: Identifying optimal locations for installing measurement equipment to ensure accurate and representative wind data collection.
    • Data Collection and Analysis: Implementing a comprehensive data collection strategy, ensuring continuous monitoring and recording over a significant period (typically one to two years). Analyzing the collected data to understand wind patterns and potential energy yield.
    • Reporting and Documentation: Compiling detailed reports on the findings of the wind measurement campaign, providing stakeholders with critical data for decision-making.
  7. Project Development Management

    • Development Strategy: Crafting a comprehensive project development strategy that outlines the steps and timeline for taking the project from conception to construction readiness.
    • Progress Tracking: Implementing robust systems for tracking progress against the development plan. This includes regular reporting and updates to stakeholders.
    • Document Management: Managing all project documentation, including permits, technical reports, and design documents, to ensure that all information is organized and accessible.


Comprehensive project development services are crucial for laying the foundation for successful renewable energy projects. By providing expert support in areas such as project management, obtaining approvals and permits, environmental analysis, concept and layout design, pre-designing, wind measurement campaign planning and execution, and overall project development management, these services ensure that projects are meticulously planned and ready to move seamlessly into the construction phase. This proactive and thorough approach helps developers and investors mitigate risks, comply with regulations, and achieve their project goals effectively.