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WP is a Technical Advisor who is able to provide the complete spectrum of services required and who has demonstrated competence in many successful projects. Key to delivering the required services is the technical advisory team and the methodology. In order to best address the key challenges, we have best experts, all of whom possess world-leading knowledge and experience in RES projects including many who have been involved in acquisition and bank finance due diligence.  

Energy Yield Assessment Process for Wind and PV Farms

Energy Yield Assessment Process for Wind Farms


An energy yield assessment is a crucial component in the development and financing of wind farms. This process estimates the potential energy production of a wind farm over its operational life, providing essential data for stakeholders to evaluate the project's viability and profitability. This guide outlines the steps involved in conducting a comprehensive energy yield assessment for wind farms.

Key Steps in Energy Yield Assessment

  1. Data Collection
    • Wind Resource Data: Collecting wind speed and direction data from meteorological masts (met masts), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), or Sonic Detection and Ranging (SoDAR) systems. This data is gathered over a significant period, typically one to two years, to ensure accuracy.
    • Site Characteristics: Gathering information on the topography, land cover, and obstacles at and around the site, which can affect wind flow and turbulence.
  2. Data Analysis
    • Quality Control: Checking the collected data for consistency and completeness. Identifying and correcting any anomalies or errors to ensure high-quality data sets.
    • Long-term Correlation: Using historical weather data from nearby weather stations or reanalysis data to correlate short-term on-site measurements with long-term trends. This helps in predicting long-term wind behavior.
  3. Wind Flow Modeling
    • Wind Flow Simulations: Employing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models or linear models like Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) to simulate wind flow across the site. These models take into account the terrain, roughness, and obstacles to predict wind speeds at various heights and locations within the wind farm.
    • Micro-siting Optimization: Determining the optimal placement of wind turbines to maximize energy capture while minimizing wake effects, which occur when turbines affect the wind flow to downstream turbines.
  4. Energy Production Calculation
    • Turbine Performance: Using the power curves provided by turbine manufacturers to convert predicted wind speeds into energy output. This involves considering turbine efficiency, cut-in, cut-out speeds, and rated wind speeds.
    • Loss Factors: Accounting for various losses, such as electrical losses, availability losses (due to maintenance or downtime), environmental losses (such as icing or high temperatures), and wake losses (reduced wind speeds due to turbine wakes).
  5. Uncertainty Analysis
    • Quantifying Uncertainties: Identifying and quantifying uncertainties in the data, modeling, and assumptions. This includes measurement uncertainties, model inaccuracies, and inter-annual variability of wind resources.
    • Confidence Intervals: Providing a range of energy yield estimates with associated confidence levels (e.g., P50, P75, P90), where P50 represents the median expected production, and P90 indicates a conservative estimate with a 90% probability of being met or exceeded.
  6. Reporting and Documentation
    • Comprehensive Report: Compiling a detailed report that includes all data, methodologies, assumptions, and results. The report should clearly present the predicted energy yield and associated uncertainties.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Ensuring that the findings are communicated effectively to all stakeholders, including developers, investors, and regulatory bodies, to support informed decision-making.


An energy yield assessment is vital for the successful development of wind farms, providing a reliable estimate of the project's potential energy production. By following a systematic process of data collection, analysis, modeling, and uncertainty quantification, developers and investors can make informed decisions, optimize turbine placement, and secure financing with greater confidence. Accurate energy yield assessments help to mitigate risks and enhance the financial and operational success of wind energy projects.



Energy Yield Assessment Process for PV Projects


An energy yield assessment is a vital step in the development, financing, and operation of photovoltaic (PV) projects. This process estimates the potential energy production of a PV system over its operational life, providing critical data for stakeholders to evaluate the project's viability and profitability. This guide outlines the steps involved in conducting a comprehensive energy yield assessment for PV projects.

Key Steps in Energy Yield Assessment

  1. Data Collection
    • Solar Resource Data: Gathering solar irradiance data from ground-based measurement stations or satellite-derived datasets. This data is collected over a significant period, typically several years, to ensure accuracy.
    • Site Characteristics: Collecting information on the site's location, altitude, shading objects, and climate conditions, including temperature, humidity, and albedo.
  2. Data Analysis
    • Quality Control: Verifying the collected data for consistency and completeness. Identifying and correcting any anomalies or errors to ensure high-quality datasets.
    • Long-term Correlation: Using historical solar data from nearby weather stations or satellite sources to correlate short-term on-site measurements with long-term trends. This helps in predicting long-term solar behavior.
  3. System Design and Configuration
    • PV Module Selection: Choosing appropriate PV modules based on their performance characteristics, efficiency, and degradation rates. This includes reviewing manufacturers’ specifications and warranties.
    • System Layout: Designing the optimal layout of the PV modules to maximize energy capture, considering factors such as tilt angle, orientation, row spacing, and shading analysis.
    • Inverter and Balance of System (BoS) Components: Selecting inverters and other BoS components, such as mounting structures and cabling, to ensure system efficiency and reliability.
  4. Energy Production Calculation
    • Simulation Models: Using simulation software like PVsyst, SAM (System Advisor Model), or Helioscope to model the energy production of the PV system. These models consider site-specific solar irradiance, system configuration, and environmental conditions.
    • Loss Factors: Accounting for various losses, including shading losses, soiling losses (due to dirt and debris on panels), electrical losses (due to wiring and inverters), temperature losses, and system downtime.
  5. Uncertainty Analysis
    • Quantifying Uncertainties: Identifying and quantifying uncertainties in the data, modeling, and assumptions. This includes measurement uncertainties, model inaccuracies, and inter-annual variability of solar resources.
    • Confidence Intervals: Providing a range of energy yield estimates with associated confidence levels (e.g., P50, P75, P90), where P50 represents the median expected production, and P90 indicates a conservative estimate with a 90% probability of being met or exceeded.
  6. Reporting and Documentation
    • Comprehensive Report: Compiling a detailed report that includes all data, methodologies, assumptions, and results. The report should clearly present the predicted energy yield and associated uncertainties.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Ensuring that the findings are communicated effectively to all stakeholders, including developers, investors, and regulatory bodies, to support informed decision-making.


An energy yield assessment is crucial for the successful development of PV projects, providing a reliable estimate of the project's potential energy production. By following a systematic process of data collection, analysis, system design, and uncertainty quantification, developers and investors can make informed decisions, optimize system configuration, and secure financing with greater confidence. Accurate energy yield assessments help to mitigate risks and enhance the financial and operational success of solar energy projects.