What we offer

WP is a Technical Advisor who is able to provide the complete spectrum of services required and who has demonstrated competence in many successful projects. Key to delivering the required services is the technical advisory team and the methodology. In order to best address the key challenges, we have best experts, all of whom possess world-leading knowledge and experience in RES projects including many who have been involved in acquisition and bank finance due diligence.  

Technical and Commercial Management Services for Renewable Energy Projects

Comprehensive technical and commercial management services are essential for the successful operation and maintenance of renewable energy projects, including wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) systems. These services ensure that projects are managed efficiently, meet performance targets, and achieve financial viability. This guide outlines the key components and benefits of technical and commercial management services for renewable energy projects.

Key Components of Technical and Commercial Management Services

  1. Project Development Support
    • Feasibility Studies: Conducting detailed feasibility studies to assess the technical, financial, and environmental viability of the project. This includes resource assessment, site evaluation, and initial financial modeling.
    • Permitting and Compliance: Assisting with the acquisition of necessary permits and ensuring compliance with local, regional, and national regulations. This involves environmental impact assessments, land use approvals, and grid connection permits.
  2. Technical Management
    • Design and Engineering: Providing comprehensive design and engineering services to optimize the layout, technology selection, and overall system efficiency. This includes detailed engineering plans, equipment specifications, and integration with existing infrastructure.
    • Construction Management: Overseeing the construction phase to ensure the project is built according to specifications, on time, and within budget. This involves coordinating contractors, monitoring progress, and managing quality control.
    • Operations and Maintenance (O&M): Offering O&M services to ensure the long-term performance and reliability of the project. This includes regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and repairs, as well as performance monitoring and optimization.
  3. Commercial Management
    • Financial Planning and Analysis: Developing detailed financial plans, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial modeling. This helps in securing financing, managing costs, and ensuring the project’s financial health.
    • Contract Management: Managing all contracts related to the project, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), supplier contracts, and service agreements. This involves negotiating terms, ensuring compliance, and managing contract renewals and disputes.
    • Revenue Optimization: Implementing strategies to maximize revenue, such as optimizing energy production, managing energy sales, and exploring additional revenue streams like renewable energy certificates (RECs) and incentives.
  4. Risk Management
    • Risk Assessment: Identifying and assessing potential risks that could impact the project, such as technical failures, regulatory changes, and market volatility. Developing risk mitigation strategies to address these risks.
    • Insurance: Arranging appropriate insurance coverage to protect against various risks, including property damage, liability, and business interruption.
  5. Performance Monitoring and Reporting
    • Real-time Monitoring: Implementing advanced monitoring systems to track the performance of the project in real time. This helps in identifying and addressing issues promptly to maintain optimal performance.
    • Regular Reporting: Providing detailed reports on the project’s performance, financial status, and compliance with contractual and regulatory requirements. These reports keep stakeholders informed and support decision-making.
  6. Stakeholder Communication
    • Investor Relations: Maintaining transparent and effective communication with investors and financiers. This includes regular updates on project progress, financial performance, and risk management.
    • Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities and stakeholders to build support for the project. This includes addressing concerns, providing updates, and demonstrating the project’s benefits.


Comprehensive technical and commercial management services are crucial for the success of renewable energy projects. These services ensure that projects are developed efficiently, operated reliably, and managed profitably. By providing expert support in areas such as project development, technical management, commercial management, risk management, and stakeholder communication, technical and commercial management services help developers and investors achieve their goals and enhance the sustainability of renewable energy projects.