What we offer

WP is a Technical Advisor who is able to provide the complete spectrum of services required and who has demonstrated competence in many successful projects. Key to delivering the required services is the technical advisory team and the methodology. In order to best address the key challenges, we have best experts, all of whom possess world-leading knowledge and experience in RES projects including many who have been involved in acquisition and bank finance due diligence.  

ESG Considerations for Renewable Energy Projects

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are increasingly important in the development and management of renewable energy projects, such as wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) systems. These criteria help ensure that projects are not only economically viable but also environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and governed by ethical practices. This guide outlines the key components and benefits of incorporating ESG considerations into renewable energy projects.

Key Components of ESG Considerations

  1. Environmental (E)
    • Sustainability Practices: Implementing sustainable practices throughout the project lifecycle, from site selection to decommissioning. This includes minimizing land disturbance, using environmentally friendly materials, and reducing waste.
    • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Ensuring that the project contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This includes calculating the project's carbon footprint and implementing measures to minimize it, such as using low-emission construction methods and sourcing renewable energy for operational needs.
    • Biodiversity Protection: Conducting thorough environmental impact assessments (EIAs) to identify potential impacts on local wildlife and ecosystems. Implementing mitigation strategies to protect biodiversity, such as creating wildlife corridors and avoiding critical habitats.
  2. Social (S)
    • Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities and stakeholders from the outset. This includes conducting public consultations, addressing community concerns, and ensuring that local populations benefit from the project through job creation and community investment.
    • Health and Safety: Prioritizing the health and safety of workers and the local community. This involves implementing rigorous health and safety protocols, providing training for workers, and ensuring safe construction and operational practices.
    • Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting local cultures and traditions. This includes conducting cultural heritage assessments and ensuring that the project does not adversely impact culturally significant sites or practices.
  3. Governance (G)
    • Ethical Management: Ensuring that the project is managed ethically and transparently. This includes adhering to corporate governance best practices, such as having a clear organizational structure, defined roles and responsibilities, and transparent decision-making processes.
    • Compliance and Reporting: Complying with all relevant regulations and standards, both local and international. Regularly reporting on ESG performance to stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and the public.
    • Anti-Corruption Measures: Implementing strict anti-corruption policies and practices. This includes conducting regular audits, providing anti-corruption training for employees, and ensuring that all transactions are transparent and above board.

Benefits of Incorporating ESG Considerations

  1. Enhanced Project Viability
    • Investor Confidence: Demonstrating strong ESG performance can attract investors who are increasingly focused on sustainable and responsible investments. This can improve access to capital and reduce financing costs.
    • Risk Management: Incorporating ESG considerations helps identify and mitigate potential risks, such as environmental liabilities, community opposition, and regulatory non-compliance, thereby enhancing project stability and long-term viability.
  2. Improved Operational Performance
    • Resource Efficiency: Implementing sustainable practices can lead to more efficient use of resources, reducing operational costs and enhancing project profitability.
    • Workforce Morale: Prioritizing health and safety, and ensuring fair labor practices can improve workforce morale and productivity, leading to better overall performance.
  3. Positive Social Impact
    • Community Support: Engaging with local communities and ensuring they benefit from the project can foster strong community support and reduce the risk of opposition or delays.
    • Social License to Operate: Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility can help secure and maintain the social license to operate, which is crucial for the long-term success of the project.
  4. Environmental Stewardship
    • Climate Action: Contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and supporting global climate goals helps position the project as a leader in environmental stewardship.
    • Biodiversity Conservation: Implementing measures to protect and enhance local biodiversity can lead to positive environmental outcomes and improved ecosystem health.


Incorporating ESG considerations into renewable energy projects is essential for ensuring their success and sustainability. By focusing on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance, developers can create projects that are not only financially viable but also contribute positively to the environment and society. This holistic approach helps mitigate risks, attract investment, and foster community support, ultimately leading to more resilient and impactful renewable energy projects.